Friday, January 31, 2014

One Thing: Cold Spring

One thing my husband Jim and I have in common is a passion for learning everything possible about the history of Cold Spring.  In the past twenty or so years, we’ve done a lot of research, individually (before we were married) and together, and have come to realize that exploring the history of Cold Spring is likely to be a lifelong ambition.  We’ve found that the more we learn, the more questions we have; and the search for answers, although sometimes tedious and frustrating, is mostly enjoyable.  Researching the history of Cold Spring is like a treasure hunt for the many pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.  We also have fun sharing the interesting stories and historical facts we’ve uncovered with others who want to know more about Cold Spring.  So when my daughter Brandy asked me if I would like to help with the Stony Valley Heritage blog, my reply was yes.
My blog entries will be about one thing:  Cold Spring.

We are greatly appreciative of the many people who over the years have shared with us their knowledge, photos, memories and other items relating to Cold Spring, thus adding much to our research and more to share with you.  Tell us what you’d like to know about Cold Spring at email.

Click here for a brief history of Cold Spring.  A more detailed history can be found in the book Cold Spring Hotel Site: Uncovering its Layers of History (2005), co-written by Jim C. Logan and Jim M. Logan.  Copies are available at the online store.  Copies can be borrowed or read at the public libraries in Annville, Lebanon, Fredericksburg, Myerstown, Palmyra, Tower City, and the State Library in Harrisburg; as well as these historical societies:  Berks County, Dauphin-Middle Paxton, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, Pinegrove, and Schuylkill County.